Thursday, October 27, 2011

I really enjoy writing this blog!

I hope each of you enjoy reading this blog as much as I love writing it. I have been going through the few books that I have been working on and pulling bits and pieces out of them that I find both informative and useful, but always holding a little piece back, so that you can explore the topic in your own way.

I have also been finding this blog useful for my own self exploration. I enjoy remembering what it was like when I first learned how to meditate and how nervous I was about not doing it right. I remember going to a Spiritualistic Church in Leominster, MA; it was 1996 and my daughter was sick. My minister taught me how to meditate and to focus healing energy. It was so amazing the first time my hands got really hot and I could feel the energy not only around my body, but my daughter's as well.

I felt this magnetic force; a "repelling", like two magnets with the same polarities. I started talking to my husband who had said, "I have been doing that for years." This is a guy who does not believe in anything, but the human condition and the "Golden Rule". He did not know how he he found it, or when and this is the proof that healing energy is in each of us whether we know what it is or not and whether or not we believe in a higher power.

It is this energy that I hope each of you learn to find and connect with by opening yourselves up to the limitless possibilities.

Now for those of you who want to learn how to be a 'CHANNEL' of healing energy stay tuned that will be coming next week!

Peace, Love and Light,

Pendulums and Meditation

One thing you should do before meditating or using any tools is to
ground and center:

To ground and center you should first imagine yourself surrounded by a pure white light of Divine protection. Then imagine that your feet are becomming roots that reach deep into the earth that hold you safely and firmly rooted, but allow you to still move easily and comfortably. Once you are surrounded by light and are deeply rooted you can begin any kind of meditative work.

When you are done meditating, or working intuitively, thank your higher power and release your roots and say while the circle of white is open I am still protected by the Great Divine Spirit and then release the light of protection.

What is a Pendulum?
A pendulum is any heavy object attached to a string, chain, or cord. This object is called a "BOB". The other end of the string is held between the index and thumb and the object is able to swing easily.
A pendulum can be used in meditation to help lull you into a more relaxed state. By watching the pendulum go back and forth you can use it to help keep other distractions from entering your thoughts. Some people who have trouble with sitting or listening meditations find that adding a focal object helps them.

Pendulum use is also a great way to begin opening up your intuitive centers. Just by using a pendulum to find objects you are begining to open yourself up to the intuitive process. Listening to the messages from the Great Spirit.

A pendulum can also show where your Chakras are blocked.

If you are not able to hold the pendulum over your own chakras then you can print out this image that I created with the representation of the body with the lotus blossom and your chakras with these mandalas. When the pendulum swings over the various colors those are the areas of your body that have imbalanced energies.
Pendulums can also be used to find missing objects by going room to room or by hanging over a map. By meditating on the question or the lost object the pendulum can then show you by swinging where the object is.

The best point I can make is to just connect with your pendulum and watch what it tells you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Autumn Meditation

This is a meditation I did this month with my Full Moon Meditation and Healing Circle. This is my own writing and is therefore copyrighted by me. This will be available in my meditation book which should be published before the winter holidays.

Where you see the word singing bowl please lightly strike the bowl. This will signify a change in time and seasons. You can also use chimes or a bell, but I find the singing bowl is a softer way.

Seasons Change Meditation:
As the October leaves fall to the ground and the earth returns to slumber remember that winter snows fall after summer springs to life. Then winter gives way to flowing springs,warming summers,falling leaves and winter snows. This is the circle of life.

We often think of winter as the ending of and beginning of the New Year, but it seems that the beginning of the New Year starts with going to sleep and once we wake from that sleep we begin again to feel alive and renewed.
So,for this meditation I am going to guide you through the forest of falling leaves and peaceful slumber and to awaken refreshed and reborn like the spring
Let the singing bowl sing its sweet tune for about 30 seconds.
(Singing Bowl)
Take in several deep slow cleansing breathes
It is night time and you are in a forest clearing sitting peacefully enjoying the late summer heat the moon is full and bright. Find the most comfortable sitting position for you. Notice that you have several warm blankets around you for when the air cools.
(Singing Bowl)
As you are sitting enjoying the cooling weather you notice one of the trees is illuminated by the moon light and the leaves are beginning to change color and Cooler, but comfortable air drifts in.
(Singing Bowl)
The leaves are quickly turning before your eyes and it looks like a shimmering dance of color in the bright full moon light blowing in the cool night air.
(Singing Bowl)
As you are sitting and looking at the progression of the color change you notice how you too have progressed in your life.
As one leaf falls slowly and gently to the ground you feel the softening of old memories and you realize that this is why you are here at this spot in the woods with the full moon. She is at her peak of understanding and you too are having the same revelation. You are getting to watch the progression of time moving more quickly and as time moves on you become more accepting of yourself and your experiences.
(Singing Bowl)
Another leaf slowly falls and as it falls another memory becomes clear and then it too slowly drifts away.
Now several leaves fall and the memories are weaker and less intrusive just blowing gently through.
You are remembering your experiences because these are what have shaped your life and you are letting go and growing past them.
With each leaf changing: You too are changing: Becoming what you already are; just more vivid and clarified.
You are the bright autumn leaves come into maturity!
As the lessons come into maturity it falls to the ground with the leaf.
Soon you will be barren of leaves
(Singing Bowl)
Your leaves have all gone from green to bright colors and now are falling quickly away with the cooling air. You wrap yourself in one of the warm blankets.
The leaves are now falling one after the other. They are dancing to their symphony with a cacophony of colors.
A gentle wind comes through and blows the last remaining leaves from your branches. You are left feeling barren and exposed.
(Singing Bowl)
This is may be a time of sadness, but it is also a time of realization and true understanding that in order to grow and experience joy we have to know sadness.
Yet, your leaves blanket the earth and nourish the ground, as your memories are nourishing the path you are on.
The winter snows are coming soon. The bright full moon illuminates the winter sky. You are wrapped in your warm blankets and there is a chill in the air.
You realize that you must now leave this place in the woods, bare and exposed, but soon the winter snows will blanket the earth.
Now imagine you are returning home and climb into your comfy bed and you are now blanketed in warmth and safety as you too go to sleep like the trees for the winter.
(Singing Bowl)
The snow is now melting the air is warming again and as you slowly awaken you climb out of your bed you look in the mirror and see how you have changed you look out the window the new buds are forming from each new experience and old habits long lost with the leaves of last fall have given rise to a more positive and growing future.
(Singing Bowl)
Your leaves are a bright light green and getting stronger as the sun is growing higher in the sky
You go back to that spot in the forest. It is night again with a bright full moon.
You see all the new leaves forming on each of the trees and the air is growing warmer.
You notice how quickly the sadness of winter has come and gone
(Singing Bowl)
You feel vibrant alive and you slowly open your eyes when you are ready and you feel as revitalized as the spring!
(Singing Bowl) (Singing Bowl) (Singing Bowl)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Meditation with a Journal

First Meditate with intent:

Meditation with intent means that you are making a conscious decision to meditate and you may even have a specific purpose. This purpose could be just to take a clear and defined time out for yourself or it could be that you are meditating to work on some issue like Mindfulness Meditation or Loving Kindness Meditation.

If you are trying to work on an issue of any kind of meditation then a meditation journal could be extremely beneficial. By keeping track of what you feel before, any thoughts that creep in during, and what you are feeling after the meditation can help you further focus your meditations.

A journal does not need to be expensive nor fancy. It can be any notebook or even just pieces of paper clipped together. The important thing to a journal is to keep track of the order. Using dates is the best way to do this.

There are two templates listed here:

This is the first template for each day you meditate until the last time for the month and then you repeat it for the next month.

Meditation Journal

What do you hope will change over the course of the month?

Initial feeling and emotions prior to meditation:

Ideas thoughts and emotions that came up during meditation:

Post meditation feelings and emotions:


 This is the second template:

Meditation Journal

Last meditation of the month:
How has your meditation practice progressed over the past month?

Do you feel like the meditation sessions are helping you?    Yes    /    No
If yes, how are they working for you?

If no, why do you think it is not working?

Initial feeling and emotions prior to meditation:

Ideas thoughts and emotions that came up during meditation:

Post meditation feelings and emotions:

Do you feel like you are able to more easily enter the meditative state?

Now review all past meditation journal entries and look for patterns and make a note of what has gotten better for you and which things still need to be worked on and addressed.

If you need or want some help with meditations or with the journal contact me at:

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Meditate

The first thing to realize is that there is no right or wrong type of meditation.

Anything you do that allows you to take notice is meditation. This can be just following the breath, or thinking about each step to making that first cup of coffee in the morning.

The major focus of meditation is learning to breathe.

Breathing is a key element in any meditation and cannot be emphasized enough. Breathing properly requires proper body positioning. Remember when your grandmother, or mother would say, “Don’t slouch”, and “sit up straight”, well this was to prevent back problems, but it also allowed for proper air flow in and out of the diaphragm.They might not have realized it back then, but they really were helping you to get better air movement and circulation.

So, in this first meditation you are literally going to follow your breath.

NOTE: If you like soft music, candles, incense you can set these up now. You can be sitting or lying on a yoga mat, in a comfy chair, or relaxing in or on anything you like. The most important piece is to make sure your breathing feels easier in that position.

1.) Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and hold for a second and slowly letting it out.
2.) On the next breath in breathe in for 3 seconds hold for 4 seconds and breathe out for 5 or 6 seconds.
3.) Then on the next cycle notice how breathing in for 3 seems to be expanding your lungs more fully.
4.) Repeat, Slowly in for 3 seconds, hold for 4 or 5 seconds and let out slowly for 5 or six seconds.
5.) Repeat line 4 for as long as you can or want.

You can follow your breath for as long as you like just notice the air going in and what it feels like holding in that air and then slowly letting the air out.

You now know how to do a simple meditation.

I mentioned making coffee can be meditation and you may be wondering how that is possible. When you go to make the coffee. . . 
What is the very first thing you do? Pick up the decanter?
What do you do next? Turn on the faucet? Turn on the device?
Then what do you do? Measure the coffee? Pick out a flavor?

It does not matter what you focus on!

Taking notice of each step and only thinking about these steps causes you to start to change your brainwave patterns and is actually allowing you to enter a light meditative state. The more deeply connected and the longer you spend in this focused pattern will allow you to enter deeper and deeper states.

However, please realize that anything can and will bring you out of this state like a phone ringing, or a child crying and it will not harm you to be jolted like this you just may not feel as relaxed afterwards. It is always best to meditate where and when you will have as few of these distractions as possible.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Why Meditation and Divination

Some people wonder why I have my business as Wind's Song Meditation and Divination and further question their relationship. Here is my answer to these questions.

NOTE: I will use God in this text, and for me it means the Great One, The Spirit. It can be any God or Gods. Please do not judge this blog on this one word because GOD is greater than everything and no one word really sums up the energy that creates this Supreme Force. I will also be talking about things that you may find offensive to your religious beliefs and I would never want to impede on them, so please stop reading this now if you believe that "seer's" "intuitive's" or other metaphysical concepts are the work of an evil being.

Meditation is more than sitting still with or without music and ambiance. It is about connecting with our "inner" and our "spiritual"  and our "outer" self. In meditation we connect on all of these levels at once. We connect with the Great All, Spirit, God, or whatever you call the higher energy that surrounds and exits without bounds.

There is a special greeting used in some meditation practices. This greeting is: Namaste and means (roughly translated) "The Spirit within me greets The Spirit within you." This is more than a nice greeting it is literally like touching someones soul. Have you eve said Namaste to someone? If not ,I would highly suggest it. You will see the difference it makes in the other person, even if they don't fully understand the meaning themselves.

So, we have talked about our beings and our Spiritual Beings as being one. Now where does God, or the Great Spirit, fit into all of this. God, is more than a name. It is more than a being. It is a connectedness of all things living and dead.

Now that we have seen the God and Meditation connection we will now introduce the divination connection. Divination comes from "to divine". To speak with the God and receive answers. There are many misconceptions regarding the practice of divination, like communing with the devil. This is a common misconception.

When I use the tarot to help me explain what I am already feeling and seeing it is the Great Spirit guiding the querent (person seeking an answer to a question) to the cards that will show where the blocks on their path are and where they are getting extra support. When I use a dowsing tool like a pendulum it is The Spirit working through me to guide the pendulum to the correct answer.

Oracles are like the tarot, but are for  more pointed questions with a real destination in mind not just for a general reading. These also deal with more of the psychological aspects that the querent is facing.

Again we come back to meditation because in meditation we can deal with and heal from some of these psychological issues. I walk people through how to journal before and after a meditative session.

In my monthly meditation and healing groups we deal with all these connected aspects and further explore how they affect our daily lives. The biggest thing to remember is without meditation their is no divination because we need to connect to "all" ourselves and to the Great Spirit.

The next thing to remember the answers are not without, but within we just need to learn how to unlock the doors to the answers!
